mCrtX - 2011-05-28 12:37:49


"Inteligente" posty komentujące powyższy screen zaczerpnięte z forum d`logcis.

sarumar napisał:

i do not care its funny when little kids cry when i pown them btw my guid is yomommainbed i have about 20 cd keys so you can fuck off =]

sarumar napisał:

I hack because i dont have much time to play. Not like these kids who play cod 24/7 and are pro. I play for fun. :]

sarumar napisał:

And. I still have work to do. And there are kids who are 8 year old and play cod.

sarumar napisał:

Well i really did enjoy cod1 i might start playing legit is it possible to get unbanned when i delete the hack and everything? on teamviewer so you ll see

Nie ma co się dziwić, że ludzie postrzegają nas jako "cziterów" skoro kilkoro dzieci kreuje taki, a nie inny obraz polskich graczy.

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